Publicaciones Indexadas
Durante los años 2012 a 2015 se publicaron artículos científicos originales, en revistas internacionales especializadas, arbitradas e indexadas en bases de datos reconocidas por SCOPUS, según el detalle siguiente:
- T. Vasilopoulou, I. E. Stamatelatos, E. H. Montoya, P. S. Bedregal, I. Tsalafoutas, P. Bode; large sample neutron activation analysis of irregular-shaped pottery artifacts; Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. (2015) 303(1):853-858 DOI 10.1007/s10967-014-3307-7.
- Bedregal, PS; Mendoza, PA; Ubillús, MS; Yépez, W; Jennings, J; Montoya, EH; Wari influence in southern Peru: provenance study of middle horizon pottery from the archaeological site of La Real using k 0-INAA; Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry; (2015) 306(3): 729-736.
- Bedregal Patricia, Mendoza Pablo, Ubillús Marco, Cohen Isaac Marcos, Montoya Eduardo; The k0 and relative INAA methods to determine elements in entire archaeological pottery objects; (2014) 300(2): 673-678.
- Blanco S, Mora P, Almonte N, Benavente T, Benson, N, Blanco D, Cárdenas J, Gómez Y D, Edding O, Escobar C, Fonseca M, Gamarra M, Aguilar J G, Khoury H J, Quintero A R, Zuniga N R, Zaire E, Nader A. Determination of diagnostic reference levels in general radiography in latin America. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. Volume 156, Issue 3, September 2013, Article number nct069, Pages 303-309.
- G. Picasso, M.d.R. Sun Kou, O. Vargasmachuca, J. Rojas, C. Zavala, A. Lopez, S. Irusta, Sensors based on porous Pd-doped hematite (α-Fe2O3) for LPG detection. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2013),
- García O, Di Giorgio M, Vallerga MB, Radl A, Taja MR, Seoane A, De Luca J, Stuck Oliveira M, Valdivia P, Lamadrid AI, González JE, Romero I, Mandina T, Pantelias G, Terzoudi G, Guerrero-Carbajal C, Arceo Maldonado C, Espinoza M, Oliveros N, Martínez-López W, Di Tomaso MV, Méndez-Acuña L, Puig R, Roy L, Barquinero JF. Interlaboratory comparison of dicentric chromosome assay using electronically transmitted images. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2013 Apr; 154(1):18-25.Patricia Sheen, Patricia Ferrer, Robert H. Gilman, Gina Christiansen, Paola Moreno-Román, Andrés H. Gutiérrez, Jun Sotelo, Wilfredo Evangelista, Patricia Fuentes, Daniel Rueda, Myra Flores, Paula Olivera, José Solis, Alessandro Pesaresi, Doriano Lamba and Mirko Zimic. Role of Metal Ions on the Activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pyrazinamidase. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2012; 87(1):153-161.
- Montoya Eduardo H., Mendoza Pablo A., Bedregal Patricia S., Baltuano Oscar R., Cohen Isaac M. A combined method of neutron activation analysis and radiometric measurements for 234U and 238U determination in soil samples of low uranium concentration. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Jan 2012; 291(1):175-178.
- Bedregal Patricia, Mendoza Pablo, Cohen Isaac, Baltuano Oscar, Montoya Eduardo. Neutron activation analysis of archaeological artifacts using the conventional relative method: a realistic approach for analysis of large samples. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Jan 2012; 291(1):37-42.